Wednesday 21 March 2012

Vortex Induced Vibration-Oil Platform Riser (English Units)

Global Variables - Input 
Prepared by: Checked by:
Pipe Outside Diameter, Do =   18in
Pipe Wall Thickness,t =   0.562in
Concrete weight coating thickness, tc =  1.5in
Young Modulus -Steel, E =   2.90E+07psi
Sea current velocity for a 100 yr Return period storm, U = 3ft/s
Specified minimum yield strength of pipe, Sy =  52000psi
Strouhal number, St =    0.219 
Kinematic viscosity of sea water at 70oC, vk  0.0000113ft2/s
End fixity constant, C =(kπ)/2   2.55 
Added mass coefficient, Cm   1 
Concrete weight coating density, ρoc =  140lbs/ft3
Density of Steel, ρos =    490lbs/ft3
Density of Seawater, ρow =   64lbs/ft3
Logarithm Decrement, δ   0.05 
ψT =Normal Safety Class coefficient  2 
ψD =Period transformation Factor  1 
ψR =Natural frequency Reduction Factor 1 
ψU =Extreme Current Variability factor  1 
Pipe Inside Diameter, Di = Do - 2t   16.876in
Total pipe outside diameter with concrete coating, Dtot = Do+2tc21in
Moment of inertia of cross section, I  1171.637829in4
Damping ratio, ζ = δ2/(δ2+4π2)   0.007956464 
Weight of displaced water, ww =(π/4)*Dtot2ow 153.958lbs/ft
Weight of contents, wocn =(π/4)*Di2ocn  99.4266266lbs/ft
Dry weight of pipe with concrete coating, ws    
 =(π/4)*((Do2-Di2)*ρos +(Dtot2-Do2))*ρoc  194.1292651lbs/ft
Specific weight of pipe, (ρsw) = (ws/ww)   1.260923532 
Dynamic mass, wd =(ww + wocn + ws) / g   13.89794695slugs/ft
Stability Parameter, Ks =π2 ζ ((ρsw) -Cm)  0.020494895 
Free Span Reduced Velocity, VR,ONSET CROSS FLOW   
 =((π3)*((ρsw + Cm)/(1.5+St2+(ρs/ρw + Cm)-1.5Ks2)))^0.5     3.797567143 
Limiting criteria for the onset of Cross flow Vibration,   
fn ≥ (U/(VR,ONST*Dtot))*ΨTDRU  0.902833656Hz
Maximum Allowable Free Span length, L   ft
=(((C*((EI/M)^0.5)))/fn)^0.5)   107.8787189ft

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